Thursday, 11 March 2010

The Art of Observation Part 2

Part two of the art of observation, more to follow.


The Art of Observation

Steven Taylor

Part 2 Inspiration

As an observational wedding photographer I have set myself some ground rules. I draw on my first hero’s words to establish my rules.

“…Our task is to perceive reality, almost simultaneously recording it in the sketchbook which is our camera. We must neither try to manipulate reality while we are shooting, nor manipulate the results in a darkroom. These tricks are patently discernible to those who have eyes to see…”

Henri Cartier-Bresson from “The Decisive Moment” 1952.

If I am to live up to HCB’s words I need to become an invisible photographer, not literally but I would like to think when you look at my images it is like I was not there. There should be no influence from me. I have seen photographs of a bride apparently applying make up or adjusting her tiara in a mirror with an expression I cannot believe. She grins like she is slightly uncomfortable; she certainly appears to be aware of the camera. The expression on my subject’s faces are genuine, concentration, joy, pride, love, tenderness, nervousness, excitement and sometimes a tinge of sadness are all apparent on the faces of the people I have photographed at weddings over the last 20 odd years.

My style of wedding photography is principally concerned with narrative. Each individual image should tell a story and the collection in the album should tell a story of the day as a whole. When I approach a wedding I have the end result, the album, very much in my mind. I look for images that work together both from a narrative and a design point of view. When we sit down with the couple to build the album design it is narrative that takes precedence. That said, individual images need to be easy on the eye. I look for strong compositions; good and flattering light and impact. Most importantly, all of the images I make at a wedding should have integrity. I like to think that I make intelligent wedding pictures that are credible.

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